Have you already applied for the supplemental internship bonus?

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To encourage companies to make workplaces available to young people even during this coronapandemic, the Flemish Government decided to grant an additional internship bonus.
You will discover the scope and practical modalities regarding this internship bonus below!

What is the internship bonus?

The internship bonus will be awarded if:

  • The young person is trained or employed by an employer with a place of business in the Flemish Region as part of an alternate training program.
    The following agreements are eligible:
    • An agreement of alternate training;
    • An internship agreement alternate training:
    • A part-time employment contract.
  • The young person worked or was trained for at least 3 months during the school year for which the bonus is requested (may be with different employers);
  • The youth is under 18 years of age on September 1 of the school year for which the bonus is requested. (Note that this condition applies only to the first application that results in approval. Once a previous start-up or internship bonus has been paid for the young person, the age condition expires).

How much is the internship bonus?

The internship bonus is paid once per school year for each youth who is trained or employed as part of an alternate training program. The internship bonus can be received a maximum of 3 times per young person.

This bonus amounts to

AwardNormal amountOne-time additional fee
firstEUR 500one-time additional fee of EUR 1,000
secondEUR 500one-time additional fee of EUR 1,000
thirdEUR 750one-time additional fee of EUR 1,000

To qualify for the one-time additional compensation, the company must offer an apprenticeship for at least 3 months between Sept. 1, 2020 and Aug. 31, 2021.

The one-time additional fee can also be requested for young people over the age of 18.

What formalities must be completed?

The employer and the young person must submit an application for an internship bonus to the Department of Work and Social Economy no later than December 31 following the end of the training year.

To know the concrete modalities for applying for the additional internship bonus, it is necessary to distinguish between the following 3 situations:

  • You already applied for an internship bonus for the 2020-2021 school year: the additional premium will be granted to you automatically;
  • You did not yet apply for an internship bonus for the 2020-2021 school year: with the internship bonus application form, please submit a copy of the complete agreement preferably via mail. The additional bonus will be awarded automatically.
  • You only fulfill the requirements for the additional internship bonus but not for the regular internship bonus: you apply for the additional internship bonus in the same way and with the same application form as the internship bonus.

This internship bonus can be requested as soon as the young person works with you for at least 3 months.

The additional internship bonus is not counted toward the maximum of three internship bonuses.

Source : https://www.easypay-group.com/nl_BE/kennis/nieuwsflashes
- Innovation and Enterprise Agency notice 'Start-up and internship bonus'
- Announcement 'Council of Ministers - Flemish Resilience Plan of April 23, 2021'

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